During a recent coaching conversation, I was asked to reflect on a time when my self-belief was at a high and what lead to this state of being. This got me thinking and I thought I would share what worked for me:
- Practice. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “Outliers” suggests that it takes 10 000 hours of practice before becoming an expert. I am not sure about the exact number of hours, but being an authority in your area definitely increases your level of confidence
- Enjoyment. You need to be having fun while learning and developing
- Appreciative feedback. There is nothing that spurs people on to greater achievement than getting positive feedback. Similarly, there is nothing that knocks a person’s self belief than criticism.
- Game Plan. When you are in the process of gathering experience, you are often required to move out of your comfort zone. When you do this you need to draw on all your related experience and resources. Be sure to develop a plan of action and then to stick to this game plan. It is when you start to “second guess” yourself and worry about how others may be viewing your performance that you are pulled off track. And this brings me to the last point:
- Authenticity. Be yourself. No one is perfect and when you bring your genuine self to whatever you do, you will find a level of comfort and acceptance.