What is the Future We Support?

As the fallout from “Brexit” happens, it is important to pause and consider how the decisions we make can affect our children and future generations.  We have our own local elections coming and from a global perspective, the US elections.  However, it is not just in the political arena where our decisions can leave such a legacy and we really need to sift through all the emotive literature and opinions and try to get all the information we need to make the right decisions for the future.

It appears that there are a few patterns emerging –

A move to turn the clock back

“Go back to the good ole days”.  (Were they good?)  This sentiment seems to be championed largely by the baby boomer generation.  The world continues to change rapidly, however, and things can never be the same again. (Thankfully)

An element of disruption

A need for radical change away from the norms.  This is happening in business and also in politics.  A change of guard which is exciting and intoxicating to many.  While change often needs a radical shift, it shouldn’t exclude rational thought and a clear view of the future it may bring.

And then there is “fear”

Fear of change and globalisation.  Fear of terrorism.  Xenophobic and racial fear.  Fear of an economic future which looks so dire for all but the 1%.  Of all the emotions which inhibit rational decisions, fear is the catalyst for frightening results.

This is a call-out to everyone to consider the long term effect our decisions may have on humanity. Let us move beyond ideology and self—interest.  Let us be informed by all the prevailing views and literature – taking a deliberate step to see things from a different perspective.  And then let us make our decisions responsibly with integrity and compassion.