A-Cubed – the Power of Acknowledgement, Appreciation & Affirmation

There is nothing more uplifting and motivating  than the three “a’s.  Having personally discovered the power of appreciation and how it spurs me on to do more, work harder and feel so good, I wonder what stops me from passing this on.

It doesn’t take huge expensive awards or gifts.  At a recent session with some educators in an under-resourced school, who often have to work under trying circumstances, I asked them how they would like to be appreciated.  I expected them to ask for bigger salaries or some monetary reward, but all they asked for was recognition and a thank you – maybe a certificate with the words on it.  Often, all it takes are the words.  So simple and easy, yet so rarely shared.

Are we so driven for perfection from our team, colleagues or our family, that we first look for what is not delivered?  Critisism and blame can be as debilitating to the psyche as a hard blow to the body.  It takes a small shift for us to focus our attention on what is good, what has been accomplished and what gifts people bring, to acknowledge, appreciate and affirm.  A small change from one person – but a huge positive change in the feelings of others which can lead to great achievements.



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