21.12.2012 – Doomsday or the dawn of the age of Aquarius? I go along with the idea of the rise of a new consciousness and enlightenment.
Perhaps this new era will bring:
- Hope, abundance and connectedness
- A move from a focus on self to an awareness of community
- A spiritual evolution which connects all religions and sects rather than divides
- A desire to be transparent and not hide who and what we are
- A shift from retribution to restoration
- A focus on strengths rather than weaknesses
I believe this because I have been witnessing this change in people over the last few years. In my work with Symphonia for South Africa, where we are partnering business leaders with school principals, I have met up with some amazing individuals who illustrate some or all of the above qualities. I do not recall ever talking to so many people under the age of 30 who want to give their time and gifts to the community – their reward being in giving & knowing that they will receive learning and growth. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in a pool of retired (or “re-fired”) men and women who feel that their time has come to give back to the community.
What a wonderful belief to take with us at this time – a true feeling of hope for our future.