I have been reviewing what has gone well with my life and how I can do more of whatever it is that brought the “good stuff” about.
My musings lead me to the following useful questions to reflect on:
Principles and Values
We all have personal values and subscribe to universal principles but often neglect to define them.
What are the 3 values which define your essence? What principles guide you in the work you do, the relationships you hold and how you show up in the world? How consistent are you in living those values?
Belief systems
Your philosophy of life and belief systems are your guide. Of all the things you believe in, what is your greatest motivation? What view of the world do you hold? How strong are your convictions and do they guide how you live your life?
Given your current situation as well as your values and belief systems, what would give the most meaning to you? What would bring the feeling of a life well lived? How could you be part of the world you wish for?
Intention and Focus
In what way could you fulfill your purpose? Outline the main goals you would need to achieve to live your purpose. Where will you place your intentions and focus? What are the small steps you can take today to start your journey?
Keeping a journal is a useful way to reflect regularly. How are you progressing towards your goals and purpose? What is working for you? What isn’t? What do you need to do differently? What is the next step you need to take?
Detachment of outcomes
The most important lesson I have learnt recently is to become unattached to outcomes. Once you have defined your purpose, set your intention and start working towards your goals, things will fall into place when the time is right. Trust that whatever happens will be good for you in the long term.