Action is Eloquence

The time to get back to work is approaching. How do I move from the indulgence and indolence of the past few weeks to getting into action? I have decided on the following five steps:

Ease into it – Start thinking about work and goals a few days ahead, just for an hour or so.

Reflect – What worked the past year and should be repeated? What should be done differently? What changes are needed to succeed?

Personal development and goals – What will be important to achieve personally? What is the desired way of being? List the top 3 to 5 key objectives. What steps can be taken to ensure that these personal goals don’t get lost in the flurry of activity at work? Are personal values in alignment with work objectives?

Prepare to be present – A change of focus is needed. Some time spent in meditation, reflection and journaling can help in preparing for this.

Importance v urgent – Resolve to spend more time on important issues with long term benefits rather than getting mired in the detail of trivia.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi – “The future depends on what we do in the present.”

* William Shakespeare