Partnerships in Education
“Sometimes there emerges in the world an idea that moves humanity forward inexorably in our lifetime. Partners for Possibility is exactly that. What the participants are achieving with each other reaches into the lives of people far afield as well, inspiring us, encouraging us, helping us to know that the unleashing of independent thinking in…
Action is Eloquence
The time to get back to work is approaching. How do I move from the indulgence and indolence of the past few weeks to getting into action? I have decided on the following five steps: Ease into it – Start thinking about work and goals a few days ahead, just for an hour or so.…
5 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence
During a recent coaching conversation, I was asked to reflect on a time when my self-belief was at a high and what lead to this state of being. This got me thinking and I thought I would share what worked for me: 1. Practice. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “Outliers” suggests that it takes 10…
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu The Enneagram, from the Greek words meaning “nine” and something “written” or “drawn”, is a model of nine interconnected personality types. It is the perfect tool to start a journey of self-discovery and the more it is used,…
I3 Team Profiling
The i3 profile is a tool that was developed to identify people’s individual instinctive indicators. The assessment is carried out online and takes 20 – 30 minutes making it accessible to millions of people, worldwide. Every person’s profile is unique to them and the report-back is delivered verbally, ensuring complete confidentiality. By becoming more aware of his/her…