Getting Acquainted
Benjamin Franklin said “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond and to know oneself” – yet the key to developing your emotional and social intelligence is self-knowledge. This is the ability to understand what triggers your emotions and your subsequent reactions. It is about acknowledging your abilities, inner resources as well as your…
Keeping in Step
I am continually reminded of the value of coaching. We all have the ability to come up with the right way forward and the steps needed to get there and we can help ourselves through deep reflection, journalling and other related methods. However, to find the transformation we need in ourselves and to come up with truly creative…
Acceptance often brings the change we seek. This was a common theme which came up in conversation over the last month and which caused me to reflect more deeply. It seems that it is only when we can truly come to terms with the way we are or the situation we are in, we are…
5 ways to increase your levels of self-confidence
During a recent coaching conversation, I was asked to reflect on a time when my self-belief was at a high and what lead to this state of being. This got me thinking and I thought I would share what worked for me: Practice. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “Outliers” suggests that it takes 10 000…
Everything will be Alright
Our belief that we can control the direction of our life and that things can change for the better is one of the factors that help us to be more resilient. Realistic optimism – held in check with a healthy sense of reality. When you hit rock bottom, maintaining positive emotions becomes crucial, yet so difficult. We…