Keeping Dreams Alive
I was recently lucky enough to watch the incredible acts performed in Cirque de Symphonie. I was in awe of some of the performances and what people were able to do with their bodies and their apparatus. It reminded me that anything is possible. Sometimes, life overwhelms us and the dreams we have disappear…
Partnerships in Education
“Sometimes there emerges in the world an idea that moves humanity forward inexorably in our lifetime. Partners for Possibility is exactly that. What the participants are achieving with each other reaches into the lives of people far afield as well, inspiring us, encouraging us, helping us to know that the unleashing of independent thinking in…
How do we know where we want to get to before starting our journey?
We have all heard how important it is to have a goal, but how many of us are certain of our own aspirations and our purpose in life? We may have stated our goals, but have we interrogated them? Nancy Kline, in her book “Time To Think”, talks about finding one’s bedrock goal by asking…