How quick are you to judge others? More importantly, how ready are you to judge yourself? Do you crave approval from your partner, children/parents etc.? I was reading a book my mother received on her 80th birthday , “Kitchen Table Wisdom”, and the author, Rachel Naomi Remen talks about this positive form of judgement which is just as…
Finding Joy!
Many years ago, during my school days, I would often “count the crows” – 1 for sorrow, 2 for joy etc. As I attended a convent boarding school, I was more interested in “3 for a letter; 4 for a boy”! The habit seems to be ingrained and I continue to count the birds while…
Building “Presence”
How much do you believe in yourself? What price tag do you put on your talents and capabilities? Part of self-awareness is acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, but are you putting the emphasis on your strengths? Concentrating your efforts on your positive attributes and building on existing competencies are helpful in building your confidence and achieving your goals. A good…