Category: Development Tools

  • Transformative and Integrated Leadership (TaIL)

    An “inside-out” and sustainable development programme for teams, TaIL first asks delegates to look within so that they can show up authentically as leaders. Designed as an integrated approach to leadership growth within organisations, the programme combines individual and team coaching to produce leaders who: are able to develop a clear view of the future…

  • Values, Beliefs and Purpose

    Interrogating your principles and values, belief system, world view and purpose allows you to find the correct path. In their book, Moral Intelligence, Doug Lennick and Fred Kiel cited four universal principles which they found to be key to effective leadership and also shared both a survey to test your own “moral intelligence” as well…

  • Enneagram

    “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu The Enneagram, from the Greek words meaning “nine” and something “written” or “drawn”, is a model of nine interconnected personality types. It is the perfect tool to start a journey of self-discovery and the more it is used,…

  • I3 Team Profiling

    The i3 profile is a tool that was developed to identify people’s individual instinctive indicators.  The assessment is carried out online and takes 20 – 30 minutes making it accessible to millions of people, worldwide. Every person’s profile is unique to them and the report-back is delivered verbally, ensuring complete confidentiality. By becoming more aware of his/her…

  • Emotional & Social Competence

    The emotional & social competence inventory The ESCI model measures behaviours that contribute to effective performance. It describes 12 competencies that differentiate outstanding from average performers. The ESCI is a multi-rater tool designed to get feedback from managers, peers, direct reports and others, as specified. The feedback package shows participants how others experience their behaviour…