Why listening is one of the most important things you can do
When was the last time you really listened to someone – not with the purpose of responding, but with the intent to hear and understand what is being said? When someone makes a statement, we often rush in to either support the statement, judge it or want to give an opposing view. What would be…
My husband and I have decided to live a simpler life and we are moving from our house in the suburbs to a small country town. The process of packing up has been a reflective time for me and synchronicity has played it’s part with recent interviews, lectures and books on sustainability. I am astounded…
Six steps on our journey to happiness
I recently read a post on social media suggesting you cannot be happy if you have a superior intelligence. Of course, I know this to be untrue, but it did get me thinking about our perennial pursuit for happiness and joy. The following steps seem to do it for me. Build relationships The Zulu proverb,…