Making a Change
Unanticipated change happens to all of us and is often out of our control. However, we do have control over how we react to the situation and the ability to adapt is key. Here are some ways to demonstrate this ability: Be willing to change ideas or perceptions on the basis of new information juggle multiple demands…
To Thine Own Self be True
When I was studying and starting my adult journey, I adopted the phrase “to thine own self be true” as my motto. Authenticity and integrity were important to me. However, when I reflect on the various phases of my life, I wonder whether I adhered to this principle. I seem to be a chameleon, adapting…
The Amygdala Hijack
Do you…… React impulsively in stressful situations? Find it difficult to resist getting involved inappropriately? Get into a negative spiral when under stress? Become angry and agitated when faced with conflict? Often regret losing control? If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, you are not alone! However, effective leadership requires more restraint…
Know Thyself
Inspiring and motivational leadership is something to which we all aspire. There are many ways to progress towards this goal and we hope to highlight the essential skills over time. How many people you know have excelled in their specific field but have failed to lead their team effectively? The reason is often because their…