Know Thyself

Inspiring and motivational leadership is something to which we all aspire.  There are many ways to progress towards this goal and we hope to highlight the essential skills over time.

How many people you know have excelled in their specific field but have failed to lead their team effectively?  The reason is often because their emotional and social competencies have not been developed.  Emotional and social intelligence is all about awareness.  Self-awareness and how you manage your thoughts, emotions and behaviour and social awareness and how you manage your relationships.  The core lies in self-awareness – recognising what triggers your emotions, how you react to them and how it affects your performance.  It is also about your inner values and acknowledging the things that matter most to you.  Knowing the extent of your abilities and resources as well as your limits is also important in developing self-awareness.

Some signs of low self-awareness include:

  • Work/life balance
  • Not recognising the affect which your behaviour has on others
  • Having difficulty receiving feedback from others
  • Regularly becoming irritated with other

mE Coaching offers workshops and multi-rated surveys on Emotional and Social Intelligence.  For more information, visit


mE Coaching team

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