Making a Change

Unanticipated change happens to all of us and is often out of our control.  However, we do have control over how we react to the situation and the ability to adapt is key.  Here are some ways to demonstrate this ability:

  • Be willing to change ideas or perceptions on the basis of new information
  • juggle multiple demands smoothly
  • adjust plans, approaches or behaviour to fit situational changes
  • handle standard procedures with flexibility
  • manage shifting priorities with ease

Simple, right?  For many of us, adapting to change is not easy and it helps to reflect on how we have reacted in the past and what we can do differently.  How did we respond to ideas that were different to our own?  How well did we recognise the need to choose a different approach when things have not gone well?

Being open to new ideas is so important. Listening to the ideas of others without judgement and looking at the possibilities. Observing the behaviour and approach of our role models. Reviewing what has worked, what hasn’t and what can be done differently.

Most importantly, we need to look for the positive outcomes of the change and work towards those goals.


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